Quarter Krugerrand Gold Coins
Live Metal Prices
Purity Grams Oz Troy Oz
9 carat £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
18 carat £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
22 carat £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
Purity Grams Oz Troy Oz
500 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
925 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
999 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
Purity Grams Oz Troy Oz
900 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
950 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
999 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
Purity Grams Oz Troy Oz
900 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
950 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--
999 £--.-- £--.-- £--.--

Last updated: 10/09/2024 09:07:28

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Quarter Krugerrand Gold Coins

The reverse of the Krugerrand family was designed by Coert Steynberg and features a springbok antelope.

Weight Fineness Gold Content Value
Quarter Kruger 8.482 .9167 7.776 £451.25

The South African Quarter Krugerrand is one of the 4 coins from the Kruger family. This family of gold coins is comprised of the one ounce Kruger, the half ounce Krugerrand, the quarter ounce Krugerrand and the tenth ounce Krugerrand. While each of the coins in this family bears a face value, they were mainly traded by weight as they were intended to be a vehicle for individual gold ownership.

The Krugerrand started production in 1967 on the order of South African President Kruger. The original coins were issued only as a one ounce Kruger but, in 1980, three other sizes were issued to facilitate easier trade in the coin. Bearing the same design as the original Kruger, Krugerrand coins are easily recognizable with their front face displaying the portrait of President Kruger and the reverse face displaying the springbok design along with the denomination.

The quarter Krugerrand has a face value of 2.5 Rands. Since these coins were intended to be a bullion coin rather than currency, the stamping process is not always precise. Due to the stamping method used to create these coins, they have a thickness ranging from 1.788 to 1.888 millimeters and a diameter of 21.94 to 22.06 millimeters. The outside edge of the quarter Kruger is marked with 150 serrations.

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